Electrical faults can occur at any time around the home and as touching anything electrical can be extremely dangerous it is highly recommended the you hire a professional qualified electrician to do the job for you.
To find a qualified electrician or electrical contractors in your area there are a number of ways to start your search for someone suitable to perform the job that you need doing.
Asking around is a good start. Neighbors, friends or even work colleagues may have have some work done around the home recently and may be able to recommend a qualified election or Electrical Contractors to do the job for you.
Even if you do manage do find one suitable electrician through this method, you should still should ask for proof of qualifications just to be sure.
Insurance is also very important that every legal firm should have. This will keep both parties covered should anything go wrong to your property.
You should also seek assurance that you will get a guarantee with the work that was completed. If anything goes wrong you will be able to get it corrected in the future.
Local papers are also handy as many qualified electricians may have placed adverts in there to attract new business. Also, if you do not have a internet connection you could try the yellow pages.
Speaking of the internet, if you do have an internet connection the best way is to search for an electrician in your local area.
By doing this, you will get a long list of local companies or individuals local to you that you can check out,