House Clearance Dos And Donts

House clearance can be a bit of a mission if not appropriately handled. House clearance is always essential to leave peacefully in your house and also to create a new space. But, if you fancy it as a challenge, then the tips given in this article will help you make the task smooth and possible. Here are some house clearance ( – dos and don’ts that you can consider while clearing a house.


1. Decide on what to keep

Decide on What to Keep

The first stage in house clearance is to go through all the items to decide what you wish to keep, what you want to sell or give away, and what to be thrown in dustbins. It’s good to declutter the place. A straightforward way of doing this is- using labels or stickers for every item in your house ( green to “keep,” yellow to “donate,” and red to throw in “bins”). Try to be as ruthless as possible. Once you completed the labeling process, now shift items in your house with the same colored stickers in the same place. Try to keep only those items that you and your family use. This one step will save you a lot of time during the whole house clearing process.

2. Choose a day for house clearance

Choose a Day for House Clearance

By planning a time and day for a house clearance task will make everything smooth. Sometimes house clearance takes a whole day to complete. Still, it depends on time and space where clearance needs to be done.

3. Estimate stuff for house clearance

Most of the difficult part has been done by now. Now the only thing left is to work out how much stuff you have. Deal with each labeled item separately. Remove and dispose of all the junk. You can also hire a skip service to do the job for you. Now, dust and clean the place.


1. Do not leave your food uncovered at the time of clearance

Since there will be many places that haven’t been touched for many years and so there will be too much dust in most of the house, for your health, you should keep your foods cooked or uncooked well covered during the time of house clearance. It doesn’t matter if your house clearance work doesn’t involve the kitchen, ensure not to left foods uncovered.

2. Maintain your safety

Maintain Your Safety

Suppose you are participating in a house clearance activity. So, for your safety, do not work with your bare hands. Also, open all the windows and doors and wear a mask because of all the dust. Take extra protection when you are lifting heavy things. Bend with your and keep your back straight to avoid getting any strain. Avoid any time of accidents at the time of house clearance.

After reading this article on waste control tips and house clearance do’s and don’ts, we hope you can manage to deal with everything during a house clearance.

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