What is E-Book ? How to Create & Publish eBook ?

Do you know that any book can be converted to an ebook? Even that one book you are carrying from many days in your bag to finish reading or the bundle of books on your shelf. Maybe someone had already done that for you by now.

Google eBookstore, Project Gutenberg, Open Library, Internet Archive, BookBoon, ManyBooks.net, LibriVox are some famous results you might find when looking to download a free ebook.

How to publish EBook

So, whats an eBook or e-book means

An eBook stands for an electronic book; it is a digital version of your manuscript. ebooks consist of texts, images, or most of the time both. Mobile devices like iPhone or Android, tablets like an iPad or Surface, and eReaders like Kindle or Nook were used to read an ebook.

Before the dot-com crash of 2000-2002 ebooks emerged as mainstream business and later did not find wide acceptance by the publishing industry, and investments were subsided in e-reading devices and e-book technologies.

But when Sony Corporation in 2006 released an e-reading device and Amazon.com in 2007 released Kindle e-book sales grew rapidly.

Now let me take you through some news regarding ebooks

14 Dec 2020: ebook sales in the US were up 20.4% which is $96.9 million.

08 Dec 2020: Google is converting ebooks to audiobooks.

04 Dec 2020: 38,000 schools in the US saw an 81% increase in usage of ebooks.

04 Dec 2020:Amazon to offer ebooks to public libraries.

14 Nov 2020: Pandemic drives ebooks sales high.

05 Nov 2020: TikToks owner invests in ebooks.

14 Oct 2020: On ebook sales, Google Play Books implements a 70% commission

14 Nov 2020: Pearson ebook sales up 9 per cent.

28 Sep 2020: UK libraries have lent out 3.5 million ebooks during the corona pandemic.

27 Aug 2020: COVID is wrecking the printed book supply chain.

25 Jun 2020: Students spending on textbooks continues to decline.

12 Jun 2020:B&N to continue pushing its Nook ebook platform.

24 Apr 2020: Cambridge university press partners with Parlego on online textbooks.


Want to create your ebook??

Wikipedia announced a new EPUB export feature which allows us to collate our collection of Wikipedia articles and generate a free ebook. To create your e-book you have to activate the Create a book link located in the left sidebar of Wikipedia in the print/export section. Collections can be exported in many formats PDF, EPUB, or OpenOffice. Via PediaPress you can also order your own printed book.

Once you have some data let it be in any format. If you want to convert them to ebook or ebook to any other format you desire there are many websites on the net that can do it for free. The only thing we need to make sure of is that given data shouldn’t be in an encrypted format.

https://gloryepublishingservices.com provides you with e-Publishing services across the world. You can contact them if you are looking for ebook creation.

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