After Dinner Magician All You Need to Know

Are you confused about the best entertainment for your guests for an After dinner event? Well, maybe it is time you branched from the mainstream entertainment forms of bands and other singers. After dinner magician is the unique entertainment that promises to keep your guests hearty throughout the event.

Here’s all you need to know about after dinner magicians.

hire best magician

Who is an After Dinner Magician?

For a long time, most people have been magician shows in television programs. Not many have interacted with them in person. An after-dinner magician brings the thrill of the magic from the television screen to the comfort of your seat. The magician invokes an exciting use of magic and mind-reading to entertain the audience.

A magician performs a wide variety of tricks. From pickpocketing, deducing your PINs, and even naming your pet. With an after dinner magician, you are guaranteed of a heartily charged and memorable event.

Your Role When you Hire After Dinner Magician

The first role when you hire the magician is to avail the audience. A magician needs the people to watch the act. Inform the audience of the magician’s presence. Guarantee the audience of their safety.

Also, do not reveal everything. Magic is also about the element of Surprise. Do not expose the magician’s first and last act to the audience.

How to Hire an After Dinner Magician

Hiring a magician is not the most forward task in event planning. Given that after dinner magicians are not familiar, most event organizers don’t know how to go about hiring one.

Best magician for night event

The first step toward hiring the right magician is to research. Talk to some people who have had one in their events before so that you know what to expect. The internet is another useful resource for a lot of information about a magician.

During your research, look into the personality of the magician. Observe how they engage and interact with the audience. Also, take note of the number of tricks they have to determine if they can last a whole event.

Lastly, consider their location and charges. You are better off hiring a magician near you as they are likely to show up. Their pricing must also be within your budget.


If you are considering hiring an after dinner magician, go ahead. It is the best treat you could give your audience. Using this guide, you will easily hire the right magician for your guests’ sheer entertainment. If you are looking for a magician in Manchester you can check out Alan Hudson’s website –


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